Sewing: We ran out of time, so I described our next project which is oven mitts. I sent material home to be cut out and we will sew it next week..
Cooking & Baking: The girls made tuna roll ups. They were delish!
We read “Company Manners” and “Courtesy to Strangers” and discussed a lot about how we treat others including our own family.
We discussed that we are going to let the boys have a productive project while the girls are busy at their things. We decided to let them do a postcard swap where they will collect postcards from all over the U.S. and maybe the world. I joined a group before I got cancer that swaps postcards so I just have to jump back in. They also could write letters or think of things they could collect to send to soldiers. They usually play basketball, but thought they could also have chess playing days too.
This Thursday we will finish our mitts. Stay tuned